Thursday, January 19, 2012

Angel of Peace

To look upon you, oh sleeping child,
Who's eyes are peaceful and who's burden is light.
Rest, precious, rest.

To look upon you, oh serene slumber,
Who's dimensions exceed the cosmic scope of
Time and place and relevance of mortal comprehension.
Cast me in your renewing power,
Falling now on heavy eyes.

To look upon you, oh pure heart,
Untainted, undefiled, encompassed by radiant love,
Who knows not but to trust love,
Sweet innocence.

To look upon you, oh angel of peace,
Who finds refuge and strength in the glory of his highness.
Stay near quiet presence, stay near.

Until my burdens cease,
until my furrowed brow is lifted,
Until my shattered remains are restored,
I will look upon my sleeping child
and see her serene slumber and pure heart,
taken captive by you,
oh angel of peace.
until my
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